The king of our heart

By Aaisha We mostly find posts about women and children regarding their lifestyles, problems, and struggles. However, we rarely discuss the man of the house, who is the backbone of the family in most cases. Men play multiple roles in our lives, just as women do. Each part holds its importance and responsibility. Father A father is a beautiful blessing from Allah (SWT). They are the roof over our heads. Life wouldn't be complete without fathers. They are a son's pillar of support and a daughter's powerful shoulder. Fathers are essential to a child's emotional development, like mothers. Children look up to their fathers to develop their personalities and maintain discipline. Fathers also provide them with a dynamic and physical sense of security. The best thing a man can do for his child is to be a caring and active father. It's essential to be available to the children for their upbringing. They should feel comfortable with their fathers sharing everything wi...