Dealing with tantrum

By Aaisha Strange but true, handling tantrums, especially in public, is difficult for a mother. Only older children may be able to understand what you're saying, but you can't explain it to younger kids. You also need to justify your attention to the younger children to the older ones, which is sometimes impossible. Does that make sense? What should I do? I also need clarification. Many people advise me to remain calm and manage the situation carefully and firmly, but in reality, my level of anger increases and becomes difficult to control. The way my husband handles this problem at the moment is to grant their requests, which is incorrect because they will do so again and again in front of other people. I remind them that they should listen for "No," as nothing we want in life comes effortlessly. Instead, they should know that we must work hard to achieve a specific goal. My husband agrees. At the time, he wants to get the thing fixed. Even at home, I become i...