The king of our heart
By Aaisha
We mostly find posts about women and children regarding their lifestyles, problems, and struggles. However, we rarely discuss the man of the house, who is the backbone of the family in most cases.
Men play multiple roles in our lives, just as women do. Each part holds its importance and responsibility.
A father is a beautiful blessing from Allah (SWT). They are
the roof over our heads. Life wouldn't be complete without fathers. They are a
son's pillar of support and a daughter's powerful shoulder.
Fathers are essential to a child's emotional development,
like mothers. Children look up to their fathers to develop their personalities
and maintain discipline. Fathers also provide them with a dynamic and
physical sense of security. The best thing a man can do for his child is to be
a caring and active father. It's essential to be available to the children for
their upbringing. They should feel comfortable with their fathers sharing everything with them. Fathers should develop this level of trust and
understanding with their children. We cannot try to be the fathers we had; we must evolve with time.
Research shows a father's three primary responsibilities are
being a provider, protector, and disciplinarian.
They say husbands are the king of their wife's hearts. The
word "husband" comes from two words;" house" and "band," which means a person
who holds the place together. A bond between the husband and wife is extraordinary
and pure. A husband's job is not only to provide for the family's financial
needs. Husband and wife both should focus on their relationship. They should
aim to become stronger together. Holding hands and taking each step of life
together. All other relations attached to us eventually move away or get busy
in their lives, be it our brothers or sisters or our children. Husbands
should try to spend time with their wives, and vice versa. Giving each other
space and enjoying each other's company. Respecting and loving each other
makes this bond valuable and irreplaceable. Being partners, living like
friends, fighting like children, and loving like parents are the beauty of this
bond. Often, husbands are so busy fulfilling other roles that
the most crucial part is pushed back.
The son is the precious gift that Allah gives a mother. It's
not that daughters are not unique; it's just that the bonding between a mother
and son is different, just like the bonding between a father and a
daughter. A son reflects a mother's guidance and a father's shadow. I
agree that a queen raises a man if he treats you like a princess. However, as the mother
of two sons, a son shows different love and caring. A
mother should teach her son to respect women, encourage them to support them,
and shield them to make the revolution needed in today's society.
Some people have different ideas about what a son should be like, even though many families are proud of their children and view them as what they want to be.
In certain families, a son is expected to follow in his
father's footsteps or support his work line. Although this can appear logical
initially, it isn't good for a son's growth. A father should not see his child
as someone who will achieve the same goals as him but rather as an individual.
A brother's love is like water; it goes on rising until it
rises to the source. In the best of circumstances, a brother makes a sister
feel complete. When we are in pain and unsure of where our life is going, a
brother's support can be healing. But when that support consists of nagging,
nitpicking, and being negative, it can be less than helpful.
A brother's love isn't conditional upon her being right all
the time. It isn't one size fits all. Instead, a brother's love is unconditional because
it recognizes that siblings are born with different needs and capabilities and
that those differences should be embraced, not smothered or ignored.
He is a sister's best friend in everything, the way he
thinks, his values, and his character. In other words, he can help when things
get hard and get through tough times. Even when things are going great, and
everyone is happy and healthy, a brother is there for you to lean on and count
on. If we need him in our life, we have him. We know it. Siblings give each
other hope. They push each other to be better and reach for more than they
thought possible.
Grandfather (maternal/paternal)
A grandfather can be a great source of wisdom, advice, and
inspiration, whether he is Nana or Dada. Grandfathers with power and authority
positions often have strong feelings about things or people. They may even have
opinions on topics different from those held by others.
Recent studies have shown that having a grandfather nearby
can increase up to five years to the average life span, and in many cases,
it's true.
Grandfathers frequently take on the role of caretakers
when parents cannot provide proper care for their children due to financial
difficulties, marital issues, or illness. Even when this is not the
case, grandfathers frequently play a direct and prominent role in
children's upbringing, care, and development, especially in traditional
cultures. Grandfathers and their offspring are second-degree relatives and
share a 25% genetic homology.
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