Live and Let Live

 By Amna

Earlier, we discussed the subject of perfectionism. Since "comparison" falls under the same umbrella

We want to talk about it separately. 

We all have been the target of comparison, and it's not only present in adults; among children, it's prevalent. 

"Her kid is so much better than yours."

"Look at how well she manages the house and the kids! "

"She lost all her weight right after delivering"

"She always appears to be on point." 

"You are wearing such a simple dress."

Every day, we hear all of this and so much more.

We are under constant pressure to be on top of "this comparison game." But, unfortunately, we lose ourselves in trying to prove to others that we can do it too. This undefeated battle of comparison makes us miss precious moments.

We forget to slow down and live in the present. Just because someone can wake up at 7 in the morning, prepare a lavish breakfast, be ready before lunchtime, and have the house sorted, we don't necessarily need to meet those expectations. We need to realize our capacity and function around that. It's okay for others to think you are not the best. This rat race of wanting what others have gets us nowhere. 

It's not healthy for our children, either. People around us don't even realize the scars they leave on children, especially. At such a young age, commenting on how they dress and look is unacceptable. Not only this, but we face discrimination because of our skin color. Our kids are more or less loved depending on how fair or dark they are. 

All this results in jealousy and hatred toward others. We develop envy for those who receive more praise than us. On the contrary, we all believe it's wrong and should not pay heed to it. But it does affect our day-to-day activities unconsciously. 

However, I try not to compare my children with others as a mum. I want to let them explore and be their version. Of course, I could improve at it, but I am trying. Every small step counts. That should be our aim: to be the best version of ourselves. We should adopt healthy habits around us. Instead of focusing on the negatives, we should try to find the good in everything. We control the path we want to take, so choose wisely. In simple words, "live and let live."


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